KFTD Bribery Management in A Pursuit to A Clean Corporate

PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution, or KFTD, understands the importance of building clean organizational governance and integrity against corruption, collusion, and nepotism, including free from fraud, gratification, and bribery allegations that could potentially occur in KFTD..ย 

On top of that, bribery or other violations may pose detrimental issues, some of which will be discussed before diving deeper into the anti-bribery efforts and policies taken by KFTD.

Impacts the Bribery Can Bring

Bribery can lead to some serious problems โ€“ socially, morally, economically, and politically. It mainly deteriorates the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practices as it erodes justice and undermines the rights of stakeholders.ย ย 

Moreover, bribery incurs high costs for doing business, creates uncertainty in commercial transactions, raises the costs of goods and services, degrades the quality of products and services, breaks business trust, and interferes with the fairness and efficiency of market operations.

Anti-Bribery Efforts for Preventing and Handling Violate

Nowadays, it is necessary for companies to prevent, detect, and handle bribery activities to pursue the so-called Good Corporate Governance. It is also true with KFTD, as seen from its efforts and even the policies that have been put in place.

KFTD has Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) Guidelines that refer to the SMAP Guidelines of PT Kimia Farma Tbk., which adopts, develops, and implements the SMAP principles under ISO 37001:2016 SMAP. The head office, through the risk management unit, held further socialization and implementation actions after achieving this ISO Certificate.ย 

Some of the essential materials shared were KFTD Policies on Anti-Bribery, Bribery Risk Assessment, SMAP goals and targets, Procedures for Reporting Violations and Investigations (Whistleblowing Procedures), Procedures for Reporting the Giving and Receiving of Gratuities, Integrity Pact, and SMAP Job Description.ย ย ย 

Of course, implementing ISO 37001:2016 SMAP to prevent and handle any bribery issues that could potentially occur in KFTD requires support from the KFTD’s internal and external stakeholders. This shared commitment aims to create a better KFTD that follows Good Corporate Governance principles.